2014 Professional Learning Needs Assessment

2014 Professional Learning Needs Assessment



Grade Span    


Content Area Taught    


Number of Years Teaching    


Please identify your top three needs for professional learning by clicking in the bubble before the standard. Please only choose three.

Subject Matter Knowledge: Understanding the central concepts, tools of inquiry, structures of the discipline as they relate to the CCCS and design developmentally appropriate learning experiences making the subject matter accessible and meaningful to all students.
Human Growth and Development: Understanding how children and adolescents develop and learn in a variety of school, family and community contexts and provide opportunities that support their intellectual, social, emotional and physical development.
Diverse Learners: Understanding the practice of culturally responsive teaching.
Instructional Planning and Strategies: Understanding instructional planning, design of long and short-term plans based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, community, and curriculum goals, and employing a variety of developmentally appropriate strategies in order to promote critical thinking, problem solving and the performance skills of all learners.
Assessment: Understanding and using multiple assessment strategies and interpreting results to evaluate and promote student learning and modifying instruction in order to foster continuous development of students
Learning Environment: Understanding individual and group motivation and behavior and creating a supportive, safe and respectful learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.
Special Needs: Adapting and modifying instruction to accommodate the special learning needs of all students.
Communication: Using knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication techniques and the tools of information literacy to foster the use of inquiry, collaboration and supportive interactions.
 Collaboration and Partnerships: Building relationships with parents, guardians, families and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and well-being.

 Based on your three identified prioritized needs, please drill down and click on specific areas of understanding and practice for professional learning in this standard.

Standard 1: Subject Matter Knowledge (select from this area only if chosen above)

1.1 Understand the subject matter in-depth and the relationship of the discipline to other content areas

1.2 Keeping abreast of new ideas and understand the evolving nature of the discipline

1.3 Understand that literacy skills and processes are applicable in all content areas and how to help students to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions that enable them to construct meaning and make sense of the world through reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing

1.4 Understand concepts in numeracy to enable students to represent physical events, work with data, reason, communicate mathematically, and make connection within their respective content areas in order to solve problems


Standard 2: Human Growth and Development (select from this area only if chosen above)

2.1 Understand how student construct knowledge, acquire skills and develop habits of mind and how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning

2.2 Understand how student learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family and community values

2.3 Understand how to identify and teach to the developmental abilities of students, which may include learning differences, visual and perceptual differences, cultural and socio-emotional differences, special physical or emotional challenges and gifted and talented exceptionalities


Standard 3: Diverse Learners (select from this area only if chosen above)

3.1 Understand how a person’s work is profoundly shaped by their life experiences, as mediated by factors such as social class, gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age and special needs

3.2 Know and understand the support for and barriers to culturally responsible teaching in school environments

3.3 Know and understand the process of second language acquisition and strategies to support the learning of students whose first language is not English

3.4 Understand the negative impact of bias, prejudice and discrimination on students and society


Standard 4: Instructional Planning and Strategies (select from this area only if chosen above)

4.1 Know and understand how to plan instruction based on students’ needs, developmental progress and prior knowledge

4.2 Know and understand available resources and materials for instructional planning

4.3 Know and understand techniques for modifying instructional methods, material and the environment to help all students learn

4.4 Know and understand a variety of instructional approaches and the use of various technologies, to promote thinking and understanding


Standard 5: Assessment (select from this area only if chosen above)

5.1 Know and understand the characteristics, uses, advantages and limitations of different types of assessments for evaluation of how students learn

5.1.2 Use and create assessments to determine what students know and are able to do and what kinds of experiences will support their further growth and development

5.2 Know and understand measurement theory and assessment- related issues, such as validity, reliability, bias and scoring concerns


Standard 6: Learning Environment (select from this area only if chosen above)

6.1 Know and understand the principles and strategies of effective classroom management that promote positive relationships, cooperation and purposeful learning activities in the classroom

6.2 Know, understand and practice how a classroom environment influences learning and promotes positive behavior for all students

6.3 Know and understand how classroom participation supports student commitment


Standard 7: Special Needs (select from this area only if chosen above)

7.1 Know and understand how to access information regarding applicable laws, rules, and regulations and procedural safe-guards regarding planning and implementing an IEP

7.2 Know and understand available resources related to educational strategies to accommodate individual differences and to employ positive behavioral intervention techniques to students with special needs

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